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Journey Groups

Doing life together to encourage one another, looking forward to Christ’s return.

Everyone needs a group of friends to "do life" with. Journey Groups provide an opportunity for every JC Partner to find a group that they can connect and grow with. These weekly get-togethers offer a chance for receiving support in our walks through life with God while supporting others in the process. Journey Groups meet once a week in homes around the Texoma area. Food and fellowship are the main courses, with a side of healthy discussions on a variety of topics concerning our faith and our walk with God. Journey Groups are a time to get away from life with relaxation and laughter, so be sure not to miss out on becoming a part of one! Be on the lookout in February and August to sign up for our Spring and Fall semesters.

7201 FM 691 Denison, TX

(903) 870-8048

Sundays at 8, 9:25, and 10:50

Joshua's Crossing

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